Solving the Enigmatic issue: “New post doesn’t appear under old post”
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Solving the Enigmatic issue: “New post doesn’t appear under old post”

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Have you ever faced the frustrating situation where your shiny new blog post refuses to appear under your old one, leaving your readers scratching their heads and wondering what’s going on? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the possible reasons behind this issue and provide step-by-step solutions to get your blog posts in the correct order.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand why this issue occurs. There are several reasons that can cause new posts to not appear under old posts, including:

  • Incorrect Post Dates: If the publication dates of your posts are incorrect, it can lead to posts being displayed out of order.
  • Post Categories or Tags: Issues with categories or tags can cause posts to be displayed in a different order than intended.
  • WordPress Loop and Query: The WordPress loop and query can sometimes get confusing, leading to incorrect post ordering.
  • Plugin or Theme Conflicts: Conflicts between plugins or themes can also cause issues with post ordering.

Solution 1: Check Post Dates and Timestamps

One of the most common reasons for new posts not appearing under old posts is incorrect post dates and timestamps. Here’s how to check and fix it:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Posts section.
  2. Click on the Edit link under the post that’s not appearing in the correct order.
  3. Check the Published on date and time. Make sure it’s correct and reflects the intended publication date.
  4. If the date and time are incorrect, click on the Edit button next to the publication date and update it.
  5. Save the changes and check your blog to see if the post is now appearing in the correct order.
|  Post Title  |  Published On  |  Timestamp    |
|  Post A      |  2022-01-01    |  1640995200  |
|  Post B      |  2022-01-05    |  1642323200  |
|  Post C      |  2022-01-10    |  1643651200  |

Solution 2: Review Post Categories and Tags

Another potential reason for new posts not appearing under old posts is issues with categories or tags. Here’s how to review and fix it:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Posts section.
  2. Click on the Categories or Tags link under the post that’s not appearing in the correct order.
  3. Review the categories or tags assigned to the post. Make sure they’re correct and consistent with your other posts.
  4. If you find any issues with categories or tags, update them accordingly.
  5. Save the changes and check your blog to see if the post is now appearing in the correct order.
Post Title Categories Tags
Post A News, Updates New Feature, Bug Fix
Post B News, Updates New Feature, Performance
Post C Tutorials, Guides Beginner, Intermediate

Solution 3: Modify the WordPress Loop and Query

In some cases, the WordPress loop and query can get confusing, leading to incorrect post ordering. Here’s how to modify it:

In your theme’s functions.php file, add the following code:

function custom_post_order($query) {
  $query->set('orderby', 'post_date');
  $query->set('order', 'DESC');
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'custom_post_order');

This code will modify the WordPress loop and query to display posts in descending order by post date.

Solution 4: Check for Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Conflicts between plugins or themes can also cause issues with post ordering. Here’s how to check and fix it:

  1. Deactivate all plugins and switch to a default theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One).
  2. Check your blog to see if the post is now appearing in the correct order.
  3. If the issue is resolved, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the problematic plugin.
  4. If the issue persists, switch to a different theme to identify the problematic theme.
  5. Contact the plugin or theme author for assistance or seek alternative solutions.

Troubleshooting Tips

In addition to the solutions above, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the issue:

  • Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache to ensure you’re seeing the latest changes.
  • Check Post Status: Ensure the post is published and not stuck in draft or pending review.
  • Review Post Permissions: Verify that the post has the correct permissions and is accessible to the intended audience.
  • Check for Duplicate Posts: Ensure there are no duplicate posts with the same title or content.


In conclusion, the “New post doesn’t appear under old post” issue can be frustrating, but it’s often easily resolvable with a few simple steps. By checking post dates and timestamps, reviewing post categories and tags, modifying the WordPress loop and query, and checking for plugin or theme conflicts, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your blog posts in the correct order.

Remember to stay calm, methodically troubleshoot the issue, and don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it. Happy blogging!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “New post doesn’t appear under old post” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble getting your new posts to show up under your old ones? You’re not alone! Check out these FAQs to get your posting problems solved!

Why don’t my new posts show up under my old posts?

Sometimes, your new post might not appear under your old post due to a simple technical issue. Try refreshing the page or clearing your browser cache to see if that solves the problem. If not, it might be a plugin or theme conflict – check with your web developer or support team to troubleshoot!

Is it a caching issue? How can I fix it?

Yep, caching can be the culprit! Try clearing your browser cache, as well as any caching plugins you’re using (like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache). You can also try disabling caching temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.

I’ve checked everything, but my new post still isn’t showing up. What’s going on?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and your new post is still MIA, it’s possible that there’s a conflict with your theme or a plugin. Try deactivating some plugins or switching to a default theme to see if that resolves the issue. You can also reach out to your support team for further assistance!

Are there any specific plugins that might be causing the issue?

Some plugins, like Yoast SEO or Jetpack, can cause issues with post ordering. Try deactivating these plugins temporarily to see if that resolves the problem. If it does, you can try re-activating them one by one to identify the specific plugin causing the issue.

I’ve tried everything, and my new post is still not showing up. What’s my next step?

Don’t stress, we’re here to help! If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and your new post is still not showing up, it’s time to reach out to your support team or web developer for personalized assistance. They can help you identify the root cause of the issue and get your posts displaying correctly in no time!

Let me know if this meets your requirements!

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