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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re frustrated and puzzled by the infamous “Jetty set extraClasspath doesn’t work after updating the jetty-maven-plugin” issue. Worry not, dear reader, for you’re about to embark on a journey that will take you from darkness to enlightenment. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this pesky problem and get your Jetty application up and running in no time.

What’s the Problem, Anyway?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the problem. When you update the jetty-maven-plugin, you might notice that the `extraClasspath` configuration option suddenly stops working. This means that your Jetty instance is no longer able to find the additional JAR files or classes you’ve specified in the `extraClasspath` element.

Why Does This Happen?

There are a few reasons why this issue might occur:

  • The `extraClasspath` configuration is not compatible with the updated version of the jetty-maven-plugin.

  • The plugin is now using a different classloader or classpath mechanism that ignores the `extraClasspath` setting.

  • There’s a conflicting configuration or plugin that’s overriding the `extraClasspath` setting.

Solving the Problem: Step-by-Step Instructions

Don’t worry, we’ve got a plan to get you out of this mess. Follow these steps carefully, and you’ll be back to business as usual in no time:

Step 1: Check Your Plugin Version

First things first, make sure you’re using the latest version of the jetty-maven-plugin. You can do this by checking your `pom.xml` file for the following:


If you’re using an older version, update to the latest one and try running your application again.

Step 2: Verify Your extraClasspath Configuration

Double-check that your `extraClasspath` configuration is correct and formatted properly. Here’s an example:


Make sure the `groupId` and `artifactId` match the JAR file or class you’re trying to include in the classpath.

Step 3: Try the Old-School Approach

In some cases, reverting to the old `classpath` element might do the trick:


This might not work with the latest versions of the plugin, but it’s worth a shot.

Step 4: Use the systemClasspath Property

Jetty 11 and later versions have a new `systemClasspath` property that allows you to specify additional classpath entries. Give it a try:


This property is specifically designed for adding external JAR files or classes to the system classpath.

Step 5: Inspect Your Classloader Configuration

Take a closer look at your classloader configuration to see if there are any conflicting settings that might be overriding the `extraClasspath` or `systemClasspath` properties:


Adjust your classloader configuration to ensure that it’s not interfering with the `extraClasspath` or `systemClasspath` settings.

Step 6: Check for Conflicting Plugins

Sometimes, other plugins might be overriding the `extraClasspath` or `systemClasspath` settings. Review your `pom.xml` file for any plugins that might be causing conflicts:


Try excluding or reordering these plugins to see if it resolves the issue.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still stuck, here are some additional troubleshooting tips to help you debug the issue:

Troubleshooting Tip Description
Enable Debug Logging Set the `DEBUG` logging level for the jetty-maven-plugin to see more detailed logs.
Check the Classloader Hierarchy Use a tool like `jstack` or `VisualVM` to inspect the classloader hierarchy and identify potential issues.
Verify JAR File Presence Double-check that the JAR file or class you’re trying to include is present in the correct location.
Try a Different Plugin Version Experiment with different versions of the jetty-maven-plugin to see if it resolves the issue.


And there you have it, folks! With these step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the pesky “Jetty set extraClasspath doesn’t work after updating the jetty-maven-plugin” issue. Remember to stay patient, persistent, and creative in your debugging endeavors.

Happy coding, and may the Jetty forces be with you!

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Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Jetty’s extraClasspath after updating the jetty-maven-plugin? You’re not alone! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Why did my extraClasspath configuration stop working after updating the jetty-maven-plugin?

This is a known issue in Jetty 9.4.14.v20181114 and later versions. The extraClasspath configuration is not picked up by the plugin automatically. You need to explicitly configure the webAppConfig section in your pom.xml to include the extraClasspath.

How do I configure the webAppConfig section to include the extraClasspath?

You need to add the following configuration to your pom.xml:


Replace “path/to/your/extra/classpath” with the actual path to your extra classpath.

What if I have multiple extraClasspath entries? Can I still use this configuration?

Yes, you can! Simply separate the multiple extraClasspath entries with commas. For example:

Do I need to restart my Jetty server after making these changes?

Yes, you need to restart your Jetty server after making these changes to pom.xml. This will ensure that the updated configuration is picked up by the server.

Are there any other configuration options available for extraClasspath in Jetty?

Yes, there are! You can also configure the extraClasspath using system properties or environment variables. For example, you can set the following system property:


Alternatively, you can set an environment variable named JETTY_EXTRA_CLASS_PATH. Consult the Jetty documentation for more information on these options.